Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beach Day

During the middle of the week we decided to take the train into the city and then walk to the beach.

Lauren and I had talked about cities and the big buildings, the taxis, the train and etc. I also have a picture of the El in my house and I told Lauren we would ride the El to the city. We got on the train and it took forever to get to the loop. Lauren kept saying that the train was too bumpy and that the driver was a bad driver. Ella just fell asleep.

We got to the city and walked down Michigan Ave. We had lunch did a little shopping and then went to the beach. I explained to Lauren the water would be a lot colder then the pool water in Arizona. She did not seem to mind at all. Ella and Lauren played in the sand and water for a long time and they just loved it. They liked it so much we promised to take them back the next day for some more fun.

They didn't have any sand toys but they did not seem to mind. We did tell them we would get some for the next time.

They really played well together. It was fun to watch them play together and really get along. Lauren acts so much younger when she was with Ella. There are times when we are at home that she acts and sounds like a teenager. It was refreshing to see the little girl in her.

It was such a nice day and the kids had so much fun. We tried to go to the beach the next day and it started to rain and then there were a ton of bugs so we just went home. Lauren was a bit sad but we are going to California in a few weeks so she will get to enjoy the beach once again.

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