Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tough Weekend

(These pictures are from last October. It was our first visit to Disneyland. We had a great time. My friend and her daughter went to Disneyworld last week and I have been thinking about them and the fun they probably had. It reminds me of the fun time we had so I decided to post a few old pictures. Lauren's favorite ride was the teacups. We must have rode them about 25 times.)

(Kim and Ella: I hope you had a nice vacation and Happy 2nd Family Day!)

I was tough on Lauren this weekend and as I look back I think it was because it was a weekend of frustrations for me. It was weird because it was such minor things that made me so frustrated.

The first frustration was Lauren's birthday party. About a month or so ago I called and made reservations for a birthday party for Lauren at a place called Pump it Up. It is a place with a bunch of inflatables that the kids jump in, slide down and climb on. They all love it and Lauren really wanted a birthday party there. So I scheduled it for May 10 at 4:00 pm. (Lauren's birthday is in June but I like to have her party in May before school gets out and everyone goes away for the summer.) I sent out the invites on Monday. Well, on Thursday I went to Lauren's school and I learned that there are 2 other parties scheduled for that day. Both those parties are for boys only so Lauren is not invited to either of them. However, since most of the kids in her class are boys not many would be able to make it to her party. I went back and forth and talked with Lauren about whether or not she wanted boys to come to her party. I explained that if she wanted boys to come then we would have to change the date. She decided that she wanted the boys to come so I changed the date of the party to May 31. Later that day I got the mail and Lauren had party invite to Pump it Up for May 10 for another one of her friends. I am so glad that I changed the party. We would have been at Pump it Up at noon to 2:00 and then again at 4:00 to 6:00 that would have been just way too much Pump it Up. It is a bit of a pain to have to send out new invites. I already sent an email to everyone but I am also going to send out new invites.

The second frustrating thing was at dance class. This problem I have not resolved yet. When Lauren got her dance recital outfit she asked if she could put it on with her tap shoes. I told her she could and then she said that the tap shoes where too small. I thought this was a bit strange since I just got her new tap shoes about a month ago. (Lauren wears between a 9 1/2 to 10. She has been a 9 1/2 since school started in the fall. I know that her foot is going to grow soon. So I bought her size 10.) When I looked in her bag she had a pair of tap shoes that were size 8 1/2. I told her she must have picked up someone elses shoes and we would straigten it out on Saturday.
So on Saturday during her tap class I went in to see if she found her shoes. That is when I was told that the teacher took it upon herself to switch shoes. The teacher that did this is the owner of the Dance Studio and was not there but her assistant was there. The assistant told me that the teacher felt that Lauren's shoes were a bit big on her so found another pair and switch them with Lauren. These new shoes are so tight on Lauren's feet. She has not wore a size 8 1/2 in over a year. When I asked where Lauren's tap shoes are she said someone probably has them. Is that weird? The teacher just decided to take Lauren's new shoes and give them to someone else and give Lauren ones that are way too small. I am so mad about this and everyone I tell think it is a bit weird also. I am going to speak with the teacher next week and I hope it goes well.

Boy, I hope this week goes better!!!


  1. It will get better (it always does) although I know it seems like maybe it won't.

    You'll do great with the scrapbooks even though much of it will be last minute, I've seen your scrapbooks.

    We had a great trip and Family Day, thanks. We're very much looking forward to a future trip to Disney with you guys!!

    Ella and Kim

  2. I forgot to say this, the shoe thing is definitely weird!!!!

