Sunday, April 13, 2008

Playing school

Lauren has been going to preschool since she was 2. She seems to really like it. When she has to miss a day she seems upset. However it is hard to get her to really share what happens in school. I ask her everyday what she learning and for about 3 months she said they were learning about brushing their teeth. If that is true they all should be experts. The parents get a news letter each month about what they are learning and I will ask her about what it says they are learning and she never knows what I am talking about.

Lately she has been wanting to play school. I love this because I do get have a small glimpse into her day at school as she perceives it. Tonight she would not let me read any of the books. I was the student and she was the teacher and she read them all to me. It was quite funny. She does this thing where she will clear her throat before she starts to read. I got in a little trouble for talking while she was reading. She would say "girls and boys we need to listen".

She would hold up the book while she was reading so all the "girls and boys" could see the pictures.

I am glad that she likes going to school and I am glad that she has a lot of friends at school. She only has about 6 weeks until summer and then she will start at a new school in the fall. It will sad that she will not be with this group of 14 kids that she has been with for the past 3 years. There are two boys from her class that will be going with her to her new school next year. It is a good group of kids and I hope that we can remain friends with some of them.

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