Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kitty Problems

Lauren loves her kitty, but at times that cat can be mean. I know that he is still a kitten but he is driving me crazy. He likes to bit our ankles. He will hide under the bed and when you walk by he will reach out and bit us. It can be funny but most of the times it is just annoying. There are times when I am walking through the house and he is just biting my ankles the whole time. I will push him off and he thinks it is a game and just come right back.

Lauren loves to play with Tigger and at times he can be so cute but part of his playing is to bit. When this happens I usually get a crying child. He can so sweet and purr and purr and then he will jump half way across the room to attack your ankles. Boy, can that kitten leap!!! He sometimes just hides until you come by and then he will attack.

When I hear Lauren screaming in the other room I know that the kitten has started to bit her. Hopefully he will outgrow this behavior because if does not he might not be our kitten much longer. We do have a spray bottle and that helps but we need to have more around the house that we can just grab one when he starts this behavior.

Here is a picture of him starting to bit her ankles. His eyes look really evil in this picture. I think it was just the way the light hit his eyes and he is not the devil. (But maybe I am wrong and he is just and evil cat!)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the biting of ankles does stop as they get older. Use the spray bottle when necessary. Zora "swipes" at Ella, doesn't ever scratch her at this point, for goodness sake the cat is 14 years old. When this occurs, I also get a crying child who tells me how much she doesn't like Zora "right now". That lasts all of two seconds until Zora is her favorite yet again. I promise, they really do outgrow the kitten behavior, ... eventually!

    Kim and Ella
