Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day at the Park

In our town we have a wonderful park, the Railroad Park. It has a great playground with a bunch of different size equipment. It also has a carousel and lots of green grass to run and play in. But the best thing at this park is that it has this little train that goes round the park. The train has a bunch of open cars that you can sit in and one enclosed car. The kids all love the enclosed car and Lauren has been wanting to go in this car for the longest time. Yesterday Lauren finally got to go in the enclosed car. It was a little sad for me. I didn't get to sit next to my little girl and point things out on our ride around the park. But she loved it. She had the biggest smile when she got out of the enclosed car. I don't think she is going to want to sit by me for a while.

We went to the park with some friends. We met these friends a few years ago at our Little Gym class. The girls were only 2 years old and we have remained friends since then. The girls now take dance lessons together. We also went to Disneyland last year together. Lauren and her friend have a typical 4 1/2 year old relationship. They get along sometimes and other times they are fighting and trying to be the boss. They are both a little bossy.

It was a great day to get outside and enjoy the lovely weather. We only have a few more months (weeks) before it is just too hot to go play at the park. We try to get out as much as we can now.

I lived in Chicago for a few years and I lived for the summer and the warm weather. Here in Arizona it is the opposite. We deal with the summer and live for the spring, fall and winter. Last summer was hard. We has over 30 days with the temperature over 110. (It usually is only about 10 days) I hope this summer is not as hot. But for now we will enjoy the great weather before the hot weather comes. The kids don't seem to mind the hot weather as much. They just swim and swim and swim. By the end of summer they are pretty tired of swimming.

The girls were playing like they were monkeys for a while.

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