Saturday, March 15, 2008

Horse show

One of Lauren's cousins, E, takes horseback riding lessons. Saturday was the first time she was competing. She was in two different events. It was a lot of fun to watch all the events. E was riding a horse that was really big and was a little wild. During the first event the horse got a little unruly and even bucked her a little. She did a good job but we could tell she was a bit upset. After the first competition one of her friends told her to ride her horse for the second event. E only had a few minutes get use to this new horse, but she did so good. We hoped that she would win a ribbon but they only award the top 6 and there are a lot of people competing in each event. It was so exciting when they announced that E won 3rd place. We were so happy for her and it was so great to see her so happy. What a way to start her horseback competition.

It was a great day. It was a little cooler then the last week (in the 70s) and it was a bit overcast. I was a bit surprised to come home and find that we were both really sun burnt. Lauren and I both have red faces now.

Lauren really loves her cousins and she told me later that night that she was happy that E got a ribbon. Now Lauren wants to take horseback riding lessons. It did look like fun but this is just one of many things that Lauren wants to do. Every time she sees something new she wants to do that also. She is already in cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, Spanish lessons along with school and church she has a full schedule.

It was a good day. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and the forecast is to be in the 50s and rainy. I am glad we got to enjoy today.

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