Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

The egg hunt includes all the cousins. However, the cousins range in age from 2 years old to 16 years old. That range in age can create problems in an egg hunt, so a few years ago we came up with a way that all the kids can enjoy the egg hunt. We assign each cousin a egg color that they need to find. They need to find all the eggs in that color but no other color. We then hide the eggs based on their age. We don't have to worry that the older kid would get all the eggs and little kids wouldn't get any.

Last year Lauren was given the yellow eggs. Since she was only 3 the eggs were pretty easy to find. During the year she kept telling me she wanted to find the blue eggs this year and she wanted them to be harder. So this year she got to find the light blue eggs and it was a little harder. She had to look in the bushes and behind things instead of just laying on the ground. They each had to find 21 eggs.

Every year there are a couple eggs that never get found. (then later in the year they turn up.) It is so strange but it happens every year. This year was no exception. But the kids have a good time and they all seem to find them in about the same time. We have learned a few things over the years, first that you can't put chocolate in the eggs because they will melt second, sometimes you have to give hints and third, you have make sure the dog does not get the egg first. After most of the eggs were found (except for those few missing eggs) the kids went back to swimming. And we will do it again in 2009!

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