Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Years Revisited

2007 was a year of highs and lows. Lauren really grew up during 2007. She went from being a littler toddler to a little girl. She now can do so much on her own. It was so fun to see her learn things. She learned to write her name and started to learn to read. She can dress herself and button, zip, snap and tie by herself. It is so great to see her becoming this little lady. We went to Disneyland for the first time and she just loved it. We remodeled her room and it went from her toddler bed to a big girl bed. She now has a pretty purple princess room. All of that was so fun and the highs of the year.

The lows of the year was losing my father. My mother passed away 14 years ago and 2007 was a hard year for my father. He was sick most of the year and was in and out of hospitals and care centers. He had a hard year and I know that he is better off but we aren't. We all miss him. He was a good man. It is strange not to have parents living. I would love if Lauren could have grandparents but that is not meant to be. It is a loss for her.

We look forward to 2008 and all the new adventures that we will go through. The big one will be when Lauren starts Kindergarten this fall. I can't believe that she is going to be 5 this summer. It is going to be a great year!!

Well, we spent New Year's Eve with my brother, his wife and S. We wanted until the ball dropped in NY and then all screamed Happy New Year and then we went home. Lauren thinks we were up until midnight and we will continue to do this until she calls me on it. We were home and in bed before midnight ever came.

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