Sunday, August 19, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Gotcha Day plus 8 years.

 We celebrated 8 years as a family today.  We went to a fun craft place and Lauren made soap and decorated a cake.  After the fun crafts we went out to dinner.  When we got home we ate the beautiful cake.  I had fun telling Lauren all the about the day we became a family.  I love you Lauren.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day of 4th Grade

Today was the first day of 4th grade.  I can't believe that my little girl is in 4th grade.  I am sure Lauren will do great.  She already knows that she is going to have to work harder then she has in the past.  It should be a fun year.

Meet the Teacher

Tuesday was the annual meet the teacher day.  Lauren was so excited to find out who she would get for 4th grade.  She wanted to get Mrs. Lester and she was so happy when she found out that is who she got.  We went to her new classroom and dropped off the supplies and was able to meet Mrs. Lester.

After meeting the teacher we went to order new Cherokee spirit wear and sign up for clubs and etc.  They had crafts and treats also.  It was a nice afternoon and Lauren is now sooo excited to start school.